How the gut microbiome affects your weight
Have you ever wondered why some people find it easier to lose weight than others? Or why even the most consistent efforts fail to bring weight loss success for some? The answer could lie hidden in your gut. Here at myBioma, we want to help you understand this connection and take your health to a whole new level with our gut microbiome test.
In a nutshell: The gut microbiome & your weight
The human intestine is over 8 meters long. It is densely colonized with over 39 trillion microorganisms. A healthy gut microbiome is the basis for our well-being and plays a crucial role in the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and the regulation of metabolism. Imbalances in this microbial population can be associated with weight problems and metabolic disorders.
BMI - What is "too much"?
First, we need to determine what weight is considered too much. We use the body mass index (BMI) as a benchmark for this. The BMI is calculated by the ratio of body weight to height and is given in kg/m². You can easily calculate your BMI yourself. Assuming you weigh 70 kg and are 1.65 m tall, the calculation is: 70 : (1.65 x 1.65) = 25.7 kg/m². A BMI in the range of 18.5 to 25 kg/m² is considered normal weight, values below this indicate underweight, while values above this indicate overweight. A BMI of over 30 kg/m² is referred to as obesity.
The gut microbiome and your weight
The principle of gaining and losing weight is simple: more energy consumed than energy used leads to the excess being stored as body fat. Conversely, the body draws on fat reserves when food intake is reduced. A healthy, balanced diet and physical activity are therefore essential.

A healthy diet, avoiding unhealthy, high-calorie foods and increased physical activity promote a normal weight. However, calorie balance is not the only factor that determines body weight or weight loss success. The situation is much more complex! Among other things, individual metabolism, hormones, genetic predisposition, mental health and medication play a role. Another important factor that many people do not pay attention to is intestinal bacteria. Each person has a unique microbiome in which the composition of the intestinal bacteria is individual.
The microbiome plays an important role in health and is involved in the development of various diseases, including diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and atherosclerosis. The numerous gut bacteria exhibit different behaviors: Some support health, while others can impair it. This also applies to overweight and obesity: certain bacteria appear to promote obesity, while others can have a protective effect.
Are there bacteria that make us fat?
Various studies have shown that the microbiome of overweight people differs significantly from that of people of normal weight. Overweight people tend to have a less diverse microbiome with a lower number of bacterial species. A high diversity of bacteria is an indicator of a healthy gut, which has a strong influence on numerous diseases. In addition, higher concentrations of certain bacterial species such as Actinobacter, Actinomyces, Lactobacillus and Eubacterium have been observed in overweight people. This suggests that these bacteria could play a significant role in the development of obesity. However, it remains unclear whether the altered microbiome causes obesity or vice versa. However, it is certain that individuals with an "overweight microbiome" tend to gain weight more easily and may have more difficulty losing weight.
Further effects on the body
The microbiome not only affects metabolism, but also influences numerous other bodily functions. The microbiome patterns associated with weight gain promote inflammation, over-activate the immune system and impair sugar tolerance, which can promote diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, hypertension, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. This suggests that obesity and its associated diseases are closely linked to the microbiome and part of the problem may lie in the gut. Taking care of the gut microbiome is therefore crucial for weight management and overall health. In addition to a gut-friendly diet, this also includes regular exercise and stress management.
The right diet for your feel-good weight
A balanced diet is crucial for a healthy microbiome and effective weight loss. This should be rich in fiber-rich carbohydrates from whole grain products, legumes, vegetables and fruit as well as healthy fats and sufficient protein.

Fiber plays a particularly important role in the health of the microbiome. If you want to change your diet, be patient, because your gut needs time to adapt and bring your microbiome into a healthy state. In our recipe e-book "Microbiome Food" you will not only receive 40 delicious recipes that promote your gut health, but you will also learn a lot of background knowledge about the microbiome and the right diet to promote bacterial diversity in your gut.
Because nutrition plays such an important role, with the myBioma gut microbiome analysis we not only provide insights into the microbial composition of your gut, but also offer personalized nutritional recommendations based on the individual needs of your gut microbiome. This allows you to take targeted measures to improve the composition of your gut microbiome and optimize your weight at the same time.

Discover your microbiome with our test
With our test, you can sustainably improve your well-being and quality of life. It shows you which bacteria live in your gut and what they are responsible for. You will receive personalized recommendations based on your results to strengthen your microbiome through diet and lifestyle.
Blog articles on the gut microbiome & weight
If you would like to find out more about the gut microbiome and weight, we can recommend our blog where you can find lots of interesting articles on the topic.
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