About myBioma

Our vision
The vision of myBioma is to improve the gut health of every person and thereby enhance their quality of life. At myBioma, we understand that health starts in the gut. However, to address this, one must first know what is happening inside. Since 2018, we have been supporting our customers with our gut microbiome analysis. To do this, we use the latest scientific findings and technological methods.
Simultaneously, we are actively working to harness the diverse diagnostic potential of the gut microbiome. Currently, we are involved in several clinical studies to evaluate the significance of the gut microbiome for medical therapies. In the future, diagnoses and specific treatment plans should be based on the individual gut microbiome of patients(see BiomeDx).
Christoph Alge
Frontend Developer
Marco Bogner, BA
Product Manager
Isabella Egger, MSc
Marketing Lead
Carina Gurtner, BSc, BA
Scientific Content Creator
Anni Grimm, BA
Marketing Manager
Simon Hecht, BSc
Data Scientist
Lena Hilberer, BSc
Deniz Inan, MSc
Business Developer
Jennifer Jantschgi
Finance Manager
Matthias Jänicke
Software Developer
Magdalena Kienl, M.A.
Partner Manager
Renate Matzner, MSc
Partner Lead
Linda Meisenbichler
Customer Care Manager
Felix Müllner, BSc
Backend Developer
Sebastian Salletmayer, BSc
Data Scientist
Dipl.-Ing. Fabien Sarcletti
Customer Care Manager
Cátia Pacífico, PhD
Senior Scientist
Georg Scharinger, MSc
Lead Developer
Aimée Stagl, BA
Social Media Manager
Amelie Weber, BSc
Ing. Evelyn Weiler, BSc
Community Manager
Mag. Doris Führer-Rösener
People & Culture Manager
Unser Advisory Board
Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Christine Moissl-Eichinger
Univ.-Prof. David Berry, PhD
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Alexander Loy

Our reliable
Partner laboratory
We have a long-standing research collaboration with our partner laboratory at the Medical University of Vienna. The Next-Generation DNA Sequencing laboratory method is used for the myBioma gut microbiome analysis. This allows for the determination of the genetic information of each bacterium in a stool sample.

Our ongoing
Research on the microbiome
Research is where innovation meets discovery! At myBioma, it's crucial for us to always stay at the cutting edge of knowledge. That is why we are actively involved in research projects.
Irritable bowel and microbiome
We investigate the microbial signature of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) using biofilms. At the same time, we analyse the impact of endoscopic biofilm removal on the restoration of a "healthy" microbiome composition and bile acid metabolism.
Colorectal cancer and microbiome
We define predictive microbiome-based signatures that are specific to colorectal cancer and high-risk adenomas, using multivariate statistical modeling.
Acne and the microbiome
This interventional, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial will investigate the connections between acne/rosacea and the gut microbiome during oral probiotic therapy.