Maybe you know this: people who can eat anything without worrying about whether they can tolerate it or not, and still maintain their comfortable weight? Who have radiant skin and are always balanced and in a good mood?
Maybe you're wondering why this isn't the case for you. Maybe you often feel bad after eating, even though you were so careful to eat the “right” thing. Maybe you can't tolerate more and more foods, but you haven't done anything differently. Your skin may quickly become irritated, even though you already take such good care of it. Maybe you're less able to cope with stress than you were a few years ago.
The key to health lies within you
I tell you something. It's all in you. And it's not that difficult either. You just have to find an ally and build a good connection with him again. And this ally is your intestine, or more precisely its approximately 39 trillion bacterial community.
This probably sounds very surprising to you at first, but even for me, who has been dealing with the “right” diet for decades, it is an exciting topic.

Sarah is the founder of Biome Balance®
But who am I anyway?
I'm Sarah, founder of Bioma Balance® . My vision is a world in which health promotion and disease prevention becomes more important in the consciousness and everyday life of every individual. Both should be a matter of course for everyone and should be conveyed through knowledge and individuality for long-term effectiveness. We have modern medicine to thank for the fact that we can cure or at least alleviate almost every type of complaint. A quick trip to the pharmacy or doctor is enough. This circumstance is a privilege and we should be grateful for it. However, over the years, an important factor for combating complaints has been forgotten: the self-healing powers - your body's potential to strengthen itself and thus alleviate discomfort or prevent it from occurring in the first place . The intestines play a big role in this.
Thanks to my years of professional experience as a dietitian, nutritional therapist and consultant, I take a close look at the way we eat. The topic of intestinal health is particularly interesting to me. The more I learned about it, the clearer it became to me how important the intestine , specifically the balance of intestinal bacteria in the intestinal microbiome , is for our health, our well-being, our psyche and our quality of life and how much influence we ourselves have on it.
Every person tolerates foods differently
The latest studies show that there is no diet that is equally suitable or suitable for all people . While researchers have certainly found foods that offer health benefits, they have also discovered that the same food can trigger very different metabolic reactions in different people - depending on the composition of the intestinal microbiome. Even if it sounds almost too simple: your daily diet has a much greater and faster positive impact on well-being if you know your intestinal microbiome and promote its balance.
But why is that so? What does the intestines do and why is the intestinal microbiome different for everyone?
Your intestine is an important part of the digestive system - it transports the food pulp, absorbs nutrients and water, forms vitamins and short-chain fatty acids and excretes indigestible food components. With a length of around eight meters, a surface area of up to 400 square meters and just a few centimeters in diameter, it is the main artery from grocery shopping to the bloodstream.
The consequences of the modern lifestyle
The intestines are your protective shield from the outside world. The healthy intestine can intercept, destroy and excrete foreign substances, toxins and pathogenic germs so that they no longer pose a danger to your body. Unfortunately, this defense of the intestine is massively disrupted by today's modern diet and lifestyle , for example due to too little fiber and too much sugar, white flour products and additives in many finished products.
Did you know that an adult is estimated to consume 8kg of preservatives during their lifetime? The preservative property means that they destroy bacteria - the bad ones but also the good ones.
There are also other factors such as stress, lack of exercise, medication and alcohol , which negatively change the intestinal microbiome and damage the intestinal mucosa. The disease-causing bacteria primarily benefit from this, because they can adapt more quickly to the changed environment and multiply better accordingly. As a result, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa can occur and the intestinal epithelium gradually becomes permeable (leaky gut syndrome) to allergens, pollutants and pathogens that harm the body. Allergies, type 2 diabetes mellitus, skin diseases and fungal infections are also associated with a damaged and therefore negatively altered intestinal microbiome.
It is therefore optimal to have a wide range of different bacteria in the intestine so that it is well protected and the intestinal cells are optimally supported.
Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria can partially metabolize food. This creates short-chain fatty acids that provide energy and positively promote intestinal movement and blood circulation in the intestinal wall. Butyric acid promotes the metabolism of the intestinal mucosa, has an anti-inflammatory effect and can even prevent cancer. Propionic acid and acetic acid play an important role in sugar and fat metabolism. Propionic acid, for example, protects against food cravings because, among other things, it inhibits the release of sugar and stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.
The real causes of obesity
Obesity is still mostly associated with a high-calorie and sedentary lifestyle. However, numerous studies now show that there is also a significant difference between normal and overweight/obese people in terms of the composition of the intestinal microbiome . The two bacterial strains Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes occur in different populations - in people of normal weight, the majority of Bacteroidetes strains were detected, while in overweight people the "chubby bacteria" Firmicutes predominate. The higher the proportion of “slimming bacteria” Bacteroidetes , the lower the body weight.
With regard to obesity and the corresponding nutritional recommendations, two other bacterial strains, Prevotella and Bacteroides, are important. Depending on the enterotype, the recommendation for optimal nutrition differs. A diet with plenty of fiber, especially complex carbohydrates from whole grain products, is beneficial for Prevotella, but less so for Bacteroides. A diet that promotes bifidobacteria appears to be more beneficial here, i.e. foods that are rich in inulin (parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, salsify, etc.) have a positive effect on the metabolism and support weight loss.
As you can see, there can be no blanket nutritional recommendations that will work for everyone. It has to be something else. Something bigger, more comprehensive than advice or diet alone ever can. Are you excited?
This is how you activate the healthy & slim potential of your intestines
I want to make sure that you feel more comfortable in your skin again, your body feeling improves, fatigue and tension disappear and you regain new power. I want your cravings to be reduced and your digestion and skin to improve sustainably. So that you feel like moving again and fall blissfully on your pillow at night. And yes, your figure will also change so that you reach your comfortable weight.
We will create the right foundations for this: Using your myBioma microbiome analysis, we will track down your intestinal microbiome and, among other things, find out its composition. Because if this is out of balance, body and mind suffer. The balance of good and less good intestinal bacteria is the secret - and this inner balance is different for every person.

Use the Bioma Balance ® concept to activate the healthy & slim potential of your intestines.
The Bioma Balance® concept
Your own microbiome fingerprint as well as the information from our personal conversations form the basis of the Bioma Balance® concept tailored to you: The individual nutritional program , based on scientific findings and the latest technologies, lasts approx. 12 weeks and is divided into 6 phases that build on each other and complement each other. Step by step, we will bring your intestinal microbiome back into balance in a personal setting and thus activate the healthy and slim potential of your intestines. You will already feel the first changes in phase 1.
The program is suitable for you if:
- you are looking for personal and flexible support who focuses on your complaints and intolerances as well as your own habits and your “pace” – who meets you exactly where you are. Restaurant visits and (business) trips can therefore be easily integrated.
- you don't have the time or desire to do boring diet plans or count calories , stand in the kitchen for hours or go without good food.
- you are looking for a nutritional concept tailored to your needs with personal and efficient 1:1 advice , which will save you time and unnecessary research in the Internet jungle and at the same time learn valuable kitchen hacks so that healthy eating is not only fun but also quick and easy to implement.
- you finally want to find your inner balance in the long term and feel more lightness and quality of life. In short: you want to take your well-being and health to a new level.
Does that sound interesting to you? Find out more about this on my website and be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to have a non-binding and free conversation in which we can find out how I can help you too. I am pleased to meet you.
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