myBioma Balance: Diese Inhaltsstoffe machen das Präbiotikum so wirksam - myBioma

myBioma Balance: These ingredients make the prebiotic so effective

The ingredients for our prebiotic myBioma Balance were selected with the utmost care and based on scientific studies. We prioritize quality over quantity in our ingredient list. This means we use only a few, highly effective ingredients to create a product that is especially well-tolerated and offers maximum health benefits. Our formula is designed even for those who often experience flatulence, discomfort, or diarrhea from common prebiotic supplements, as well as for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

What are prebiotics and why are they good for us?

Prebiotics are defined as "substrates that are selectively used by host microorganisms and provide a health benefit" (1). More specifically, they are non-digestible food components, typically fiber, that are fermented by gut bacteria, meaning they are broken down and converted into other substances. This process leads to the growth and increased activity of beneficial gut bacteria, improving gut health. For more information, you can read this blog article: Prebiotics and probiotics for your health.

The ingredients of myBioma Balance

The four ingredients of the prebiotic are all of natural origin and 100% vegan and gluten-free. The main sources of fiber are acacia fiber and guar gum. They are complemented by wild blueberry and ginger root, which provide additional fiber and beneficial polyphenols. Polyphenols are secondary plant compounds that support digestion and have antioxidativ properties (2,3).

Curious about the specific benefits of each ingredient? We've revealed the details here:

Acacia fiber

acacia tree
The prebiotic acacia fiber is obtained from the milk fibers of the acacia tree.

Acacia fiber, sometimes called gum arabic, is a soluble fiber that offers multiple health benefits:

  • Prebiotic effect with very good tolerability
    Consumption of acacia fiber promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria such as lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and bacteroides (4–6). Unlike many other fiber sources, acacia fiber is very well tolerated and typically does not cause intestinal issues like flatulence, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea (4,5,7,8).

  • Supporting metabolic health
    Studies indicate that acacia fiber can help regulate weight, promote a feeling of fullness, reduce blood sugar spikes, and positively influence fat metabolism. Improving fat tissue function can stabilize blood sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and lower the risk of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease among others (7–9).

Guar gum (partially hydrolysed)

guar bean
Guar gum is obtained from the guar bean.

Guar gum is extracted from the seeds of the guar bean and undergoes a special processing method (partial hydrolysis) to eliminate its swelling properties, making it more accessible to bacteria. This prebiotic fiber source is known for the following properties:

  • Relief of irritable bowel symptoms and digestive problems
    In individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), various studies have shown that partially hydrolyzed guar gum can improve symptoms. This fiber source can enhance stool consistency in cases of diarrhea, alleviate constipation, and reduce flatulence (10–16).

  • Support of the intestinal barrier
    In the large intestine, bacteria convert plant fiber into short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which help maintain an intact intestinal mucosa (11). Partially hydrolyzed guar gum can decrease the number and activity of bacteria that harm the intestinal mucosa. If the mucosa is compromised, it cannot perform its crucial barrier function, allowing unwanted substances to enter the body and trigger inflammation. This can lead to multiple ailments including digestive issues and even mental health (10).

  • Improving skin health
    Partially hydrolyzed guar gum supports skin integrity and improves moisture levels, helping keep your skin supple and healthy while counteracting dryness (11). For more information about the connection between the gut microbiome and skin health, check out this blog post: The skin - the mirror of the gut.

  • Promoting beneficial gut bacteria
    Guar gum fiber can increase the diversity of the gut microbiome, a key indicator of gut health. Various studies have shown that its consumption can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria like bifidobacteria while suppressing the spread and activity of potentially harmful bacteria (10,11,14,16).

Wild blueberry

wild blueberry
The vibrant color of wild blueberries indicates their high content of valuable polyphenols.

This ingredient provides the pleasant fruity taste, the purple color and, as a food rich in polyphenols and fiber, supports your health in many ways:

  • Colorful health boosters
    Wild blueberries are particularly rich in polyphenols such as anthocyanins. As antioxidants, these secondary plant substances can support your immune system, protect against diseases and infections thanks to their antibacterial effect and can even have a protective effect on brain health (3).

  • Polyphenols and gut microbiome
    Only a small part of the polyphenols are absorbed in the small intestine and used directly. The majority reach the large intestine and serve as food for your gut bacteria. Polyphenols therefore contribute to a diverse, balanced gut microbiome. At the same time, gut bacteria convert polyphenols so that they become available to our body and we can benefit from their many health-promoting properties (3,17).

  • Promoting beneficial gut bacteria
    Eating wild blueberries can increase the number of health-promoting bacteria – particularly a subspecies of bifidobacteria (B. longum infantis), which is associated with a strong immune system and can prevent or relieve the symptoms of various gastrointestinal complaints (17).

Ginger root

Gingerols are responsible for the significant taste and numerous health benefits of ginger.

Ginger is a widely used spice with a long history in the traditional treatment of digestive issues and other ailments. Its health benefits are primarily due to its high content of beneficial polyphenols, particularly gingerols and shogaols (18).

  • Promoting a healthy gut microbiome
    Ginger is a prebiotic source of fiber and may help promote a balanced gut flora by positively influencing the composition and activity of various beneficial gut bacteria (19–21).

  • Health all-rounder
    Ginger contains various bioactive compounds, including gingerols, shogaols, and paradols, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Studies show that ginger has a protective effect on various cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and can support treatment as a complementary approach. Among other benefits, ginger is attributed with positive effects on digestive issues, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, and respiratory conditions (18,19).

If you want to enhance your health and well-being with the prebiotic myBioma Balance, you can order the produit here: myBioma Balance - Premium prebiotic

Note: Dietary supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet. The prebiotic serves as additional support. You can find tips for a gut-healthy diet here: The microbiome diet: 4 steps to healthy intestinal flora or in our recipe e-book: Microbiome Food.


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Carina Gurtner BSc, BA
Carina Gurtner BSc, BA
As a nutritionist and media & communication scientist, Carina uses her expertise to communicate complex health topics in an understandable way. Her aim is to inspire others to lead a conscious, healthy and sustainable lifestyle.