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Everyone knows how important it is, especially in these challenging times immune system to strengthen. Most of us are familiar with the recommendations of super expensive superfoods or supplements.
However, is it necessary to consume acai berries or moringa to strengthen the immune system? NO! Not only us, but also our grandparents can breathe a sigh of relief, as can grannies too Home cooking strengthens your immune system!
Why grandma's cooking can strengthen your immune system...
Most of us associate sauerkraut immediately with grandmother's kitchen. The history of sauerkraut goes back a long time, as people already valued sauerkraut in the 17th century. At that time, many people became ill Scurvy , a disease caused by Lack of vitamin C resulted.
To combat this, Captain James Cook introduced sauerkraut as a staple diet for his sailors and was able to completely banish scurvy from his ships. (1)

Fresh white cabbage is made into sauerkraut through lactic acid fermentation. The sugar in the cabbage is converted into lactic acid by bacteria.
Today we present you a typical Austrian recipe with the Vitamin C bomb sauerkraut before. Especially now that Corona is an issue, it is very important to pay attention to the intestines. We were allowed to do so at the beginning of November Weight Watchers got to know each other personally and cooked one of their wonderful recipes.
This is the Lower Austrian court Pork casserole with cabbage . The special thing about this recipe is not only that the recipe change from hearty to lighter version was changed, but also that it tastes wonderful and in addition that immune system strengthens.

Here's how to cut goulash meat.
The sauerkraut it contains provides a particularly high amount of vitamin C. By heating the sauerkraut, it contains... cooked Condition even more vitamin C than in its raw state. (2)
Sauerkraut is also one of them probiotic foods , as lactic acid bacteria are added during the fermentation of white or pointed cabbage. (3)
This Probiotics are particularly healthy for you Colon. The cabbage meat also scores points because it iron of the meat can be better absorbed by the body due to the high amount of vitamin C in the sauerkraut.
A little Tip : it helps to reduce the flatulence caused by the sauerkraut Caraway seeds to add. Those contained in caraway seeds Cuminaldehydes support the formation of digestive juices, which has a positive effect on your digestive processes and can therefore improve them. (4)

Cabbage with parsley potatoes and Skyr.
For 4 servings
Preparation time approx. 30 minutes.
- 400g lean pork goulash (from the shoulder)
- 2 medium onions
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 500g sauerkraut
- 3 tbsp paprika powder (sweet)
- 1 tsp caraway
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 tsp majoran
- ½ l vegetable broth
- Oil, salt, pepper
- Parsley
- Skyr
- Side dish: boiled potatoes
Onions Peel, dice and add 1 tbsp oil fry . Meat admit and roast along . Spices mix in. With Soup Pour in and simmer for 10 minutes. sauerkraut admitted and that Cabbage meat about 20 minutes Simmer. Season with salt and pepper. With Skyr, Refine with parsley and chili. Suitable as a side dish Parsley potatoes . (4)
- Carpenter, K. J.: The History of Scurvy and Vitamin C (Die Geschichte von Skorbut und Vitamin C). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1986
- Gerhard G. Habermehl, Peter E. Hammann, Hans C. Krebs und W. Ternes: Naturstoffchemie: Eine Einführung. Springer Verlag Berlin, 3. vollst. überarb. u. erw. Auflage 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-73732-2, S. 666.
- Health benefits of fermented foods: microbiota and beyond. Maria L Marco 1, Dustin Heeney 1, Sylvie Binda 2, Christopher J Cifelli 3, Paul D Cotter 4, Benoit Foligné 5, Michael Gänzle 6, Remco Kort 7, Gonca Pasin 8, Anne Pihlanto 9, Eddy J Smid 10, Robert Hutkins 11
- Singh RP, et al. Cuminum cyminum – A Popular Spice: An Updated Review. Pharmacogn J. 9(3):292-301 (2017).
- Rezept: Quelle: österreichische Küche leicht gemacht. Weight Watchers Österreich.