Gut friendly diet
More than 95% of the food you eat is metabolized by your gut bacteria. These gut bacteria play a crucial role in processing food and providing calories to your body. Therefore, it is of great importance to pay careful attention to what you eat - your gut bacteria will thank you!
Health and nutrition
The diversity of your microbiome is critical to its resilience. In short, if you eat a wide range of foods that your gut bacteria like, you'll benefit from a greater number of supportive bacteria. As a result, you'll be better equipped to fight off disease!
Uncomplicated recipes
Always thinking about what you can and can't eat can be quite tiring. That's why at myBioma we've developed uncomplicated recipes that are effortless to prepare. Whether you're a kid, a teenager, an adult or retired, whether you're an amateur cook or a seasoned chef, our recipes are for everyone.